Tuesday 10 November 2015

Research into existing brands: Maltesers

Target audience: Maltesers are aimed mainly at women. 
About the product: Maltesers is part of Mars company, which is mainly advertised for women who are on a diet.
Maltesers are sold in wide range of packaging, such as plastic bags, boxes and buckets. Early Maltesers adverts stated that the honeycomb center contains "seven times less fattening than ordinary chocolate centres", which has led to marketers claiming that Maltesers are beneficial for weight loss. 
Maltesers come in milk coated chocolate as well as white chocolate. 
Marketing: Maltesers are aimed to appeal to slimming women and in order to do that, the number of calories is displayed on the package. Fairtrade logo is also placed at the front of the package, which gives the company USP and helps to appeal to wider audience as it might be an important factor for some. 
Mars also does not advertise their products to children under 12, under they new marketing code. Mars is also funding "Media smart", whcih is an organisation which aims to improve children's understanding of advertising and media in general. 
"The program provides free advertising literacy programs for primary schools, giving children the tools to assess and critique advertising messages in their daily lives."
Packaging of Maltesers is red with white font. which helps it to stand out.
Maltesers packaging also features the product it self, as well as number of calories and fair trade logo.
The font that has been used for the name of the product is quite curvy , which could symbolyse the shape of women's body and therefore it ill seem more appealing to them. 
Colour scheme: White and red
White - white is very light and pure colour, therefore reflecting claiming of adverts, that Maltesers are light and can help women to loose wight. 
Red - red can stimulate feelings of excitement as well as it is very energetic colour, therefore the packaging of Matesers can build and excitement and stimulate the energy. Red can also rpresent love, which might reflect what the comapny is feeling for their consumers and therefore they are trying to amke the product good for them.
Red is also the most viable colour and therefore it helps the product to stand out more.
Slogan:  "The lighter way to enjoy chocolate"
Examples of adverts:
In this advert we can see two pregnant women, in front of TV, which creates verisimilitude.
The advert is just one shot, whit no cinematography or edits and the advert places the viewer with these women in the same room, which makes the advert more personal.
The only edit we can see is at the end of the advert, which shows the product and the slogan, in the background we can see woman's round bump, which resemble Maltesers shape.
In the advert the product is represented as light weighted, as even a baby can kick it,
Advert is 22 seconds long which follows the convention.

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