Tuesday 24 November 2015

Product ideas: Advert 1

For my everyday advert I want to make something short, yet eye catching in order to attract attention of potential consumers.
To do so I am going to make the advert animated (using stop motion technique) which should catch attention of a younger audience.

In order to promote my product I am going to emphasise the of my product bringing happiness as well as I am going to create USP for my product, of being healthy chew sweets, containing no added sugar or artificial colour or flavor.
Due to my product being natural and healthy, I am going to use the theme of nature to further emphasise positive qualities the product.

Idea 1:
- My first idea is to present the audience with a child character being upset due to the fact that they can not go outside because of the rain outside (which is followed by diagetic sounds of the child sobbing and rain). Then an adult character comes along carrying a sweet to the child (sounds of footsteps is present when the new character enters the scene). Adult character hands the child the sweet, however the child feels unsure about it but then proceeds to unwrap the sweet and as soon as child eats the sweet we get a close up of the character in shock. In the next scene we can see that the rain has gone and now the bright sun is shining outside and the child can now go outside.
In the last scene we can see the image slowly blurring out and logo of the product appear and the laugh of a child is still present.

Idea 2:
- This idea involves two characters, a boy and a girl.
In the first scene the viewer is presented by a boy character being in the corner of the frame under a raining cloud. Next we can hear footsteps of a girl approaching and she has bright sun above her head as well as she is carrying a sweet. She hands the sweet to the boy, at first he looks confused and unsure about it but after he eats it we get a close up of him being surprised. After we zoom out and see that now both of the characters have suns above their heads and they are sitting on the clouds with rainbow growing behind them. In the last scene we can see the image slowly blurring out and logo of the product appears and we can still hear children laughing in the background.

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