Wednesday 24 February 2016

Props + Location + Setting

Props used:

  • White board
  • Marker pens
  • Sweets to represent my product

  • I have created my animation in my living room, due to having a lot of natural light available. However I have discovered that due to weather being inconsistent, the lighting varies in every picture. Therefore if i was to do my project again I would make sure i film in a studio and use light box, in order to make lighting consistent.


  • I have used aperture priority setting on a a camera, as it is much easier to use compared to manual settings. Aperture priority allows you to change the aperture, whilst shutter speed is adjusted automatically, and in order to try and control the lighting of the images, I have adjusted aperture every time light had changed. For example, if the sun was too bright i would close the aperture, so less light enters the camera, and if the sun would disappear I would open up the aperture in order to let more light into the camera and make the images much brighter. 

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