Wednesday 24 February 2016

Importance of advertising

Advertising is important in society as it is the best way of communicating with consumers and introducing them to new products and services, as well as it provides the consumer with a choice of brands available on the market as well as variety of products available to them.
Advertising can be aimed at anybody, kids, teenagers, adults and elders and it can be done in verity of media forms (e.g. moving or still image) as well as it can use variety of techniques in order to target and appeal to different groups of people.

Advertising is important for both consumers, who consume goods, and sellers and companies , who produce and sell goods.

Advertising and consumers.
We are surrounded by adverts, social media, public transport, press, television, and it is important part of our lives. Consumers consume products and services and adverts aim to introduce consumer to products and services available on the market. Without advertisement consumer might not be aware of what is available to them.
Advertising is also important to us as it helps us to find the best for us,our family and friends, as when consumers are aware of the range of products available to them, they are able to compare them and decide what is best for them.

Advertising and sellers and companies. 
Advertising is very important for sellers and companies who sell and provide products or services, as advertising is able to increase sales and therefore generate revenue.
Adverting also helps companies and sellers to know who their competitors are and plan on how to beat the competition and make their product/service better.
Advertising rises awareness of the product in society and therefore it is able to reach wider audience and interest the audience.

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