Wednesday 24 February 2016

Engaging an audience

People come across adverts everyday, however due to the fact that advertisement is everywhere people become desensetised to it and therefore pay no attention to it.
However the audiences attention can be achieved by the following ways:

* The audience can be intrigued.
This can be done by asking the audience rhetorical questions that will intrigue them; such as "does this ever happen to you?" or "do you know the way to get rich in a month?".
Intrigue can also be created by statements that may interest the target audience in the product or service such as ; "the secret to make people like you" or "reasons start healthy life".

*You could play on audiences emotions and feelings.
Advert can engage audience by playing on their emotions, this technique is usually used in social advertisement.
This technique can be achieved buy asking rhetorical questions such as, "when was the last time you have talked to your mother?", or by making strong statement that will make your audience emotional. For example "change the way this is" or "you can be the one".

*Another way to engage with an audience is to make something they will be able to relate to.
Audience is more likely to engage and pay attention to the advert if it is something they can relate to. This can usually be achieved by asking the audience rhetorical question such as, "Are you constantly tired?" or "Have you ever felt overweight?"

*Finally you could engage your audience by targeting their problems.
You could use rhetorical questions that would question problems that your target audience might face and your product or service can be something that will help to resolve the problem. For example you could ask your audience questions such as "Are you struggling to fall asleep?" or "Are you sick of doing the dishes?"

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