Sunday, 11 October 2015

Tim O’sullivan : Culture and society + Coca Cola dvert

Tim O'Sullivan argues that all media texts tell some kind of story.
Media texts offer a way of telling stories about ourselves, usually story of us as a culture rather than telling our own personal story.

This advert presents two different lifestyles during two different eras. On the left we can see life style of the people in 70s and on the right we can see lifestyle of a modern person.
Advert shows how the time and lifestyle has change although the routine remained untouched; waking up, breakfast, commuting to work, working, lunch,getting home and having a dinner with family. However although the routine is the same, it is done completely different compared to the 70s.
It shows that now we live in fast paced environment, where we don't have much time and are always in hurry, as well as it shows how lazy society has became.
We can see the increased pace of life style through the ways both characters are waking up and getting ready for work; man in the 70s wakes up peacefully and proceeds to having breakfast while taking to his wife, whereas man on the right jumps out of the bed and leaves without even finishing his breakfast.
The laziness of today's society has been represented through the way both men commute to work; man on the left uses a bike to get to work and he manages to get to work on time and he also has time to catch up with a colleague, whereas man on the right gets a car to work which leads to him being stuck in traffic and being late to work completely ignoring his colleague.
Furthermore laziness of the society is represented through the lunch both characters have; man on the left has home made sandwiches and an apple for lunch, which he enjoys outside, whereas man on the right is have pre-prepared sandwiches which are much fuller ,compared to what the man in the 70s is having.
Further the advert is trying to tell us how we have became less social, as we can see man on the left takes time to catch up with his wife while having dinner whereas man on the right is watching TV while having a dinner, abandoning any conversation with his wife.
In conclusion I believe that this advert is encouraging the society to reflect upon themselves and their lifestyle.

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