Theory states that advert must attract Attention, arouse Interest, simulate Desire and get Action.
AIDA is very helpful when the purpose of the media text is to persuade the audience to do something. First it must grab audiences attention and engage their interest. The advert must also build a desire for the product/service and finally it must encourage the audience to take action.
1. Attention
It is important to get the attention of the audience very quickly. In order to do that advert must use powerful words or a picture that will catch readers/viewers attention and make them intrigued about your product/service.
After getting the readers/viewers attention the advert must arouse the interest. The audience will give you a little time to get their interest therefore the advert must focus on the needs of the audience. This can be achieved by the use of short bullet points and subheadings.
After the advert gained the interest of the audience it must simulate the desire for the product/service. This can be done by helping the potential consumer to understand how your product/service can help them in a real way. The main way of achieve this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants, for example the desire can be built up by linking features and benefits of your product/service.
5. Action.
The advert must be clear about what action you want the consumer to take, for example you could include the website or the list of stores where product/service is available.
More sophisticated variation of this theory has been developed which includes one more step - Conviction. (AIDCA)
Due to consumer society becoming more aware of persuasion advertising is having, they become more skeptical about marketing claims. Therefore in order to convince the audience you could use data in your advert. Fore example Malteser adverts usually states that they have less than 190 calories per bag, which can convince the audience that Maltesers are more healthier compared to other sweets on the market.
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