Monday 4 April 2016

Evaluation: 3.What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I found that audience research is important as it gives you a chance to find out what your potential consumers want, as well as they are able to give feedback which can be used to improve the product.
I have conducted an audience research after I have finished my product, in order to find out how it can be improved.
I have produced two questionnaires, one questioning the main product and the other one asking questions about the sponsorship sequence. Both questionnaires were made up of closed questions, as they are easier to analyse.

In the questionnaire 6 people preferred the advert without the voiceover, which influenced my final decision of not including the voiceover.
I have also presented my audience with two version of my advert, one with each clip lasting 00:00:10 seconds (which I initially have produced) and another one where each clip lasted 00:00:05. 6 people said that they prefer the advert with faster pace. Therefore I have decided to make it a final version.

On the other hand, my audience questionnaire on sponsorship sequence has shown that majority of the audience could not tell what the programme sponsored is until the end. However I have decided that I will not make any changes to that, as I think it is not necessary because the audience will learn to associate the sequence with the programme. However to improve it, I could have used music used on the X-factor, however I did not proceed with this idea as I thought that my sponsorship sequence will be taken down due to copyright.
Also most of my audience preferred the sponsorship sequence without a voiceover, as most of them said that they thought that the quality of sound was not great. Therefore if I was to do this project again, I would make sure I use better microphone to make sure I have better sound.

Also doing audience feedback allowed me to look at the development of my product from different view and get an insight into what my audience enjoys.
For example I have asked my potential consumers what they thought of the adverts and i have got quite similar feed back from them and therefore i have decided to make the changes that they have suggested. 

Initial advert: 

Improved advert:

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